Saturday, September 22, 2007

A few photos / Qualche foto

As you know, Lorenzo Tate was born at 6:16 PM on the 20th of September. He weighed 8 pounds, 2 oz and is in good health. For the moment, we're getting used to having a new guest in the house but we'll write more later. For the time being, enjoy some photos from Friday and Saturday. More than anything, we know we want to thank Jesus Christ for this little miracle. We're very happy to have him here.

Come sapete, Lorenzo Tate e' nato il 20 Settembre alle 18:16. Pesava 3,67 kili ed e' in buona salute. Per il momento, ci stiamo abituando ad avere un nuovo ospite a casa ma scriveremo dopo. Godete qualche foto da Venerdi e Sabato. Piu' di tutto, sappiamo che vogliamo ringraziare Jesu' Christo per questo piccolo miracolo. Siamo cosi' contenti.


Brad said...
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Brad said...

Congrats, guys! We couldn't be happier for you!