Thursday, September 6, 2007

Everyone has an opinion...

So, here we are, sitting at Starbucks. Selena is busy writing thank you notes while I'm answering work e-mails. We're minding our own business when another customers decides to strike up a friendly conversation. In essence, it went like this... (red is the customer, purple is Selena, black is me)

"Boy or girl?"
"It's a boy"
"That's great. I just had twins... 7 1/2 months old"
"Congratulations, that's great"
"You should be drinking a lot of water... and walking"
"Yeah... I try to walk a lot"
"She's at the gym with me all the time"
"You should walk ... not on a treadmill, just walk slowly."
"Yeah... I mix it up, some on the treadmill, some elliptical and weights"
"No... that's bad!"
"Her doctor says it's fine"
"No, that's not good at all"
"But her doctor says it's okay for her to do so. We saw a report on the news last night that said it's good for a pregnant woman to continue working out"
"Is your doctor a man or a woman?"
"It's a woman"
(no response)
"Are you going to be natural at home or in the hospital"
"Oh, in the hospital but I'll be taking drugs (ha ha)"
"Oh, that's not good"
"Well, not drugs... just an epidural"
"Yeah, that's bad. After it wears off, you'll have side effects"
"Yeah, we know that"
(black cloud slowly appearing over both of our heads)

Now, maybe those things applied to his wife... that's great if they did. That doesn't mean they apply to us... it's just funny how everyone has an opinion. That's not a problem per se... it's just when their opinion is supposed to trump ours... and they're a stranger!?

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