Monday, September 24, 2007

More Fun Stuff / Altri Divertimenti

Today was a day of firsts for Lorenzo. First, he went to the pediatrician for the first time and tonight he'll get his first bath. He has a bit of jaundice and he broke his clavicle on the way out but the pediatrician said he will heal without a problem. He's already back up to 8 pounds and has a voracious appetite - after four days, he's already guzzling down up to 2 1/2 ounces every three hours. Last night he was so good that he only woke up once - at 3 in the morning? Thank God, we actually slept six hours. Oh, and the constant bottle washing makes me feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.

Here are some photos from the day...

Oggi era un giorno di "prime esperienze" per Lorenzo. E' andato all'pediatra per la prima volta e stasera ricevera' il suo primo bagno. Lorenzo ha un po' di ittero ed ha rotto la sua clavicola quando e' nato ma il pediatra ha detto che guarira' senza problema. E' gia' ritornato a 3628 grammi ed ha un appetito abbastanza feroce - dopo quattro giorni gia' mangia 74 ml ogni tre ore. E' ieri sera era cosi' bravo che ci ha svegliato solo una volta - alle 3 di mattina. Grazie a Dio, abbiamo dormito 6 ore.

Ecco delle foto da questa giornata...

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