Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Day in Near / Il Giorno Si Sta' Avvicinando

So, here is the latest scoop. The baby is "in position" but the proverbial gates are still closed. So, the first plan was to check into the hospital on Sunday night at 10:00 PM and then have the baby on Monday. Well, it looks like there's no room at the inn so we're going to check in on Tuesday night at 8:00 PM and then have the baby on Wednesday.

That is, unless the baby comes before then on his own or someone else who is scheduled has their baby early so we can sneak in on Sunday. We prefer Sunday since it allows us to do it at the end of the weekend and Selena can finally see the big boy rather than carrying him around like a sack of potatoes strapped to her front.

Allora... oggi siamo andati dalla dottoresso per capire quando arrivera' il bambino siccome e' diventato cosi' grande. Per il momento, abbiamo programmi di andare all'ospedale questo Martedi' alle 20:00 e poi Lorenzo nascera' il 26 Settembre. Pero', potrebbe arrivare piu' presto se c'e' spazio Domenica sera o se arriva senza "aiuto". Stiamo sperando per Domenica sera perche sarebbe piu' facile e poi Selena puo ammirare Lorenzo faccia a faccia invece di portarlo a presso come un sacco di patate.

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