Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Returning to the Hospital - Tornando all' Ospedale

Lorenzo had a pretty stressful morning today... we went with him to Texas Children's Hospital to perform some diagnostic tests on his kidneys. I can't quite explain everything that took place but essentially they were testing fluid in his kidneys to see if he had reflux... they did this with a catheder in his penis - poor kid! He was pretty livid and he cried his head off... it was no fun. Fortunately, everything looked fine and maybe the kidney problem has disappeared. We'll head back in March for an ultrasound and maybe, just maybe, we can close the chapter on the kidney story. Let's hope.

Lorenzo ha avuto una mattina molto stressante... l'abbiamo accompagnato al Texas Children's Hospital (un ospedale per bambini) per controllare i suoi reni. Non posso spiegare tutto che hanno fatto ma hanno controllato il fluido nei reni mettendo un tubo nel pipino - poverino. Era abbastanza furioso e piangeva... caspita quanto piangeva. Per fortuna, sembra che tutto e' normale e forse i problema con i reni e scomparso. Torneremo in Marzo per un'altro ultrasuono e forse questa storia dei reni sara' finita. Speriamo bene.

Preparing Lorenzo
Preparando Lorenzo
Waiting for the doctor
Aspettando per il dottore

Finally, some peace and quiet
Finalmente, un po' di pace...

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