Saturday, December 29, 2007

Longhorn Fans - Tifosi dei Longhorns

Thursday afternoon we took Lorenzo for a walk at the Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary right by our neighborhood. It was obvious that he was really happy walking with us in his Baby Bjorn.

Giovedi pomeriggio siamo andati con Lorenzo al parco botanico accanto al nostro quartiere. Era obvio che era molto contento quando l'avevamo portato a spasso nel marsupio.

After our walk, we stopped for a few pictures since we were all dressed for the Longhorn football game.

Dopo la passeggiata, ci siamo fermati per qualche foto siccome eravamo tutti vestiti per la partita di football.

Even Lorenzo had a T-shirt with Bevo but his was a little more Christmas-like.

Anche Lorenzo aveva una magliettina con "Bevo" pero' la sua era un po' Natalizia.

Friday morning, he was really happy when he found out that the Longhorns beat the Sun Devils 52 to 34.

Venerdi' mattina, era molto contento quando aveva scoperto che i Longhorns avevano battuto i Sun Devils 52 a 34.

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