Monday, December 17, 2007

Growing Growing... Crescendo crescendo...

My goodness... guess who grew 2" in a month? This baby boy is growing and now weighs 14 lbs, 13 oz and is 25" long. Both measurements are over the 80th percentile. Who needs weights when you have a giant like Lorenzo?

On a totally unrelated note, we just tried a dream feed tonight since our pediatrician said it might help stretch his long sleep period into the morning. Anyone had any success? Last night, for example, he went 7 hours between feedings after his bedtime feeding and then 5 hours... not bad. Now, if we can only get that long stretch to coincide with our sleep.

Mamma mia... indovina chi ha cresciuto piu' di 5 cm in un mese. Questo bambino sta' crescendo e adesso pesa 6,75 kg ed e' lungo 63,5 cm. Tutte le misure sono piu di 80% degli altri bambini. Non e' necessario allenare con i pesi con questo gigante.

Lorenzo joined us at church for the first time
Lorenzo ci ha accompagnato a chiesa per la prima volta

Playing with aunt Vanessa and his cousin, Abbilyn
Giocando con zia Vanessa e la sua cugina, Abbilyn

Lorenzo and Piccina - how cute!
Lorenzo e Piccina - che carini!

Our little king in his throne
Il piccolo re' nel suo trono

1 comment:

Brad said...

Don't they grow like weeds? We loved your Christmas card, too cute! Have a blessed Christmas with your precious Enzo.