Thursday, January 24, 2008

Lorenzo's Latest News - Novita' di Lorenzo

What news do we have about Lorenzo? Well, he finally rolled over from his stomach to his back. He did it today and he did it three times. Finally! We were starting to wonder. And, we're finding out he's ticklish - Selena found out while changing him and he can laugh and laugh.

Oh... and we can't recommend enough Brett Chisholm Photography for portraits. He took our family portraits last week and did a fantastic job. Lorenzo behaved really well. Here are three of our favorites.

Che notizie abbiamo di Lorenzo? Be', si e' finalmente rotolato dallo stomaco alla schiena - l'ha fatto oggi e l'ha fatto tre volte. Poi Selena ha scoperto che Lorenzo ha solletico sotto le ascelle. Certe volte ride e ride.

Qualche giorno fa', siamo andati da un fotografo per scattare varie foto della famiglia. Ecco tre delle foto - Lorenzo si e' comportato benissimo.

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