Monday, January 7, 2008

Give me some food and let me drool it out

I'm too lazy to think in two languages tonight so I'll just post this in English... Lorenzo continues to grow and eat like a champ. Lately, he's settled down to 5 feedings a day - much better than the old days when we had to feed him 8 or 9 times a day. He'll usually eat 6 oz. a feeding although today he had an 8 oz. feeding and a 7.25 oz. feeding. Wow!? Good news is that his feedings are nice and quick since he's using a size 3 nipple. Uhm, yeah... that's what 6 month old babies use. Otherwise, nothing groundbreaking right now although he drools like crazy... he'll work on his hands for a while and they'll be covered with slobber. Baby or little Golden retriever? Either way, he's a cutie, drooly or not.

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