Saturday, March 1, 2008

He's Sitting! Sta' Seduto!

Lorenzo is growing and we're starting to see some little developmental jumps. He can sit up by himself for a few seconds... sometimes, when he slumps forward, he can straighten himself. He did it for the first time a week ago when we went to a park. It was a splendid day and we decided to lay down for a while in the shade since we were around the corner from the Menil. Unfortunately, after a while, Lorenzo started getting fussy since it was naptime.

Lorenzo sta' crescendo e si puo' sedere da solo per qualche secondo... certe volte, quando incomincia a cadere, si puo' riadrizzare. L'ha fatto per la prima volta una settimana fa' quando siamo andati a un parco. Era una giornata splendida ed avevamo deciso di sdraiarci per qualche momento nell'ombra. Purtroppo dopo un po', Lorenzo aveva sonno perche era tempo per il suo pisolino.

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