Monday, October 15, 2007

Wine for Mommies - Vino per Mamme

Today I found a bottle of wine called "Mommy's Time Out", apparently marketed to moms... the back of the label says that the makers know that being a mom is a tough job and that the wine is intended to provide a break. Something like that. Anyway, it's produced in Italy and is made from 70% Garganega and 30% Pinot Grigio. Good stuff.

Oggi ho comprato una bottiglia di vino che si chiama "Mommy's Time Out"... non so' esattamente come si puo' tradurre il nome ma diciamo che e' vino per mamme che vogliono rilassare. E' prodotto in Italia ed e fatto di 70% Garganega e 30% Pinot Grigio.


Brad said...

So where can we find this fine label??

The Travel Addict said...

Your local Rice Epicurean will be more than happy to oblige