Monday, April 7, 2008

Mmmm... Mango!

Lorenzo continues to try various types of foods... fruits, vegetables and even chicken! This morning he tried mango (not this mango) with some banana... dang he liked it! If you like to make your own baby food (less expensive and easy), Wholesome Baby Food is a great site.

Lorenzo continua a mangiare vari tipi di cibi... frutta, vegetali e anche pollo! Questa mattina ha provato mango con un po' di banana... caspita, quanto gli piaceva! Invece di comprare i barattoli di puree, gli facciamo a casa. E' facile e costa meno.


Anonymous said...
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geo said...

Hey Michael,

I was showing Lorenzo's blog to Ted and he liked this post a lot. He couldn't stop laughing at the 'mango' picture.

We both send hugs from London!
