Thursday, July 10, 2008

Films from Mexico - Filmini da Messico

We just got back from Mexico... we brought Lorenzo to Zihuatanejo, a small town next to Ixtapa. He are a couple of films from the trip... the first is the stairway from our room at the Brisas Del Mar Hotel to the pool. The second was from Sunda when it rained most of the day. The third is of Lorenzo with his new friend, Federico.

Siamo appena tornati da Messico... abbiamo portato Lorenzo a Zihuatanejo, un piccolo paese accanto a Ixtapa. Ecco qualche filmino dal viaggio... il primo e' la scalinata dalla nostra stanza nel Brisas Del Mar Hotel fino alla piscina. Il secondo e' da Domenica quando e' piovuto quasi tutto giorno. Il terzo e' di Lorenzo con il suo nuovo amico, Federico.

1 comment:

Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

I just stumbled on to your blog and it looks like you guys are having a great summer and boy is he cute... I can't wait to keep up with you guys on the blog.