Sunday, May 18, 2008

All the things he heats... - Tutte le cose che mangia...

Tuesday, Lorenzo will turn eight months old. As our friends in Italy saw, Lorenzo has a big appetite. Here are the things he likes to eat...

Martedi Lorenzo compiera' otto mesi. Come hanno visto i nostri amici Italiani, Lorenzo ha un grande appetito. Ecco tutte le cose che mangia...

Chicken - Pollo
Turkey - Tacchino
Apples - Mele
Bananas - Banane
Pears - Pere
Mango - Mango
Apricots - Albicocce
Blueberries - Mertilli
Broccoli - Broccoli
Cauliflower - Cavolfiore
Sweet Potato - Patata Dolce
Peas - Piselli
Green Beans - Fagiolini
Rice Cereal - Cereale di Riso
Multi-Grain Cereal - Cereale Integrale
Yogurt - Yoghurt
Parmesan - Parmigiano

We've also used other ingredients to cook for Lorenzo.

Abbiamo anche usato altri ingredienti per cucinare per Lorenzo.

Olive oil - Olio D'Oliva
Cinnamon - Cannella
Ginger - Zenzero
Garlic - Aglio


Brad said...

all the things he "heats"? Probably not a good idea to let Lorenzo so close to the oven, stove, or microwave!!

The Travel Addict said...

He's really smart... he's even started welding on his own.